Defending Your Rights & Protecting Your Life

How To Handle A Probation Violation

After a conviction, a sentence of probation may feel like a major victory. And certainly, probation is better than incarceration. At the same time, those on probation deal with many restrictions on their freedom, some of which may not be entirely clear. And if a probationer takes one step out of line, they may face a violation of probation hearing. As your attorney, I will guide you through the process and help mitigate any problems or concerns that may come up.

Legal Actions A Judge Could Take

South Florida probation violation hearings can be just as serious as picking up new criminal charges. If a judge finds that a defendant violated their probation, the judge has a few options:

  • Reinstate or continue probation
  • Modify the terms of probation
  • Revoke probation and resentence the defendant

The goal of a violation of probation hearing is to avoid the judge finding you in violation. While the government does not need to prove a violation beyond a reasonable doubt, they still need to show that the defendant violated a term of probation.

Get The Legal Representation You Deserve

Chukwuma Law Group, P.A. aggressively represents clients facing probation violations, helping to keep them on probation and out of jail. Call 954-836-6551 and Schedule your free consultation with me. There’s no time to waste when it comes to protecting your freedom.